News and Members

Emily R. is Member of the Month December 2021

WEmily R Member of the Month Dec 21Inspire Sport Kingston

I have been a member of INSPIRE SPORT KINGSTON for 6 years. I continue to attend because I like doing all the different sports and I have made lots of friends there as well as enjoying teasing Chris.

Emily R Laughing Inspire Sport Kingston

I really enjoy doing lots of different sports cricket, football, tennis, horse riding, ballet and dance, parkour (free running) dressage. I originally started riding with a person walking beside me and my biggest challenge was to ride independently so as I grew in confidence and skill I had to listen to instructions, remember them and follow them through.

Emily R Dancing Inspire Sport Kingston

I was entered into dressage competition and came 4th in the National RDA in Hartbury as part of a team of 5 riders. We won the Disabled Team Sports awards for Epsom and Ewell. I also won the Jack Petchey award for most improved in her Parkour group.

I enjoy going to TAG youth club where I met my boyfriend Zion. I also sings in a choir OKMT where I am practising Christmas carols. I am very active and only have one day per week when I’m not singing, dancing, riding, playing tennis or going to INSPIRE.

I love chocolate and Chinese food, watching Eastenders and Love Trap. I attended a comedy night at TAG where I had a glass of wine and KFC it was fun.

I am in my final year at Richard Challenor school and hope to move on to Orpheus where I will be able to follow my dream of becoming a pop singer. My favourite singers are Zara Larsen Anne Marie and KS1.

Inspire members raise over £1,000 for Children in Need

Inspire helps Children-in-Need


On Sunday 24th October, eight members from Inspire-Sport met at Newlands Corner and walked the 6-mile trail to raise money for Children in Need.

Head Coach Maggie North says,

“People have been so generous to Inspire-Sport, and we all felt we wanted to give something back to other young people.”


Inspire-Sport sessions are open to anyone with a disability or special need who wants to play games, get fit and make new friends.

Monday evenings 6-7:30pm during term
St Philip’s School, Chessington

Luke W. member of the month

Luke W

Luke has been a member of Inspire since December 2017. He continues to come to Inspire because he has lots of fun and it’s good exercise. He likes seeing the other members as well as all the coaches.

Luke enjoys lots of sports including tennis, athletics, badminton, hockey and cricket but tennis is his favourite; he’s been playing since he was about five years old.

Luke’s biggest challenge in sport was during the relay at a Special Olympics athletics event. The team had practised with a baton but on the day there were no batons available which caused a lot of confusion. Luckily, the team was given an opportunity to run again.

Luke W and Hannah
Luke has made many good friends at Inspire 🙂

Luke has performed well at all the athletic events he’s competed in but his greatest achievement was in Portsmouth this July when he won three silver medals for Long Jump, 200m and 4x100m relay.

Luke studies at college four days a week and works in a charity shop once a week. He also relishes going to charity shops as a customer, seeking out bargains such as DVDs, CDs and clothes. He is a fan of computer games, especially Mario Smash Bros at which he remains unbeaten! Luke is a James Bond expert. He owns all the films and has memorised many facts about them. He also likes going to the cinema to see the many Marvel superhero films when they come out.

Luke is a very healthy eater, enjoying plenty of fruit and vegetables. His favourite meal is a Sunday roast, closely followed by salmon and new potatoes. He very rarely eats sweets although he does allow himself the occasional Twix!

Luke doesn’t really watch television, preferring to watch films or music videos on YouTube instead. His favourite bands are The Smiths, The Beatles and The Cure. He has a good musical ear and has had piano, drumming and ukulele lessons in the past.

Luke plans to be in education for a few more years but, after that, he thinks he might enjoy working with animals.

Owen H. member of the month June 2019

Owen H. at Sheffield 2016 after his success in long jump having some down time playing computer games

Owen has been a member of INSPIRE for 10 years and he is our longest member.

He continues to come to INSPIRE because it’s fun and it improves his fitness and there are some great people to talk to. Owen likes football, rugby and athletics and sees himself as a good team player as he is always encouraging his team.

His big challenge is trying to keep going when he gets tired. His greatest achievement was when he represented South East of England in the Special Olympics National Games in Sheffield. He achieved a personal best in long jump of 2.4m and he enjoyed the atmosphere and especially all his family being there to watch him.

Owen like to do lots of other things as well like relaxing watching Hollyoaks, EastEnders, Riverdale. He also likes playing computer games Robiox and loves going to the cinema and was thrilled when he got a limitless ticket for his 18th birthday present this year.

Owen is a student at Kingston College and is learning about work skills which include maths, literacy and work experience. This year he is playing a lead roll in the musical Grace and will perform it in June. Owen loves acting and doesn’t feel nervous about performing in front of an audience.

Owen has two brothers, one sister, one dog, one daygu and two chinchilas. In his spare time, he likes to go out with friends to Kingston and go to the gym at the bottom of his garden. When he leaves college, he thinks he might like to have a job involved in sports as he has had so much fun learning, competing and performing all different sports.


Alice is Member of the Month April 2019

Alice Member of the Month April 2019 Inspire-Sport

Alice has been a member of INSPIRE for over 10 years and continues to come because its fun, cool, and she can see Ronnie and her other friends.

Alice enjoys many sports: horse-riding, line dancing, tennis, all the warm up games she plays when she can tag someone. She’s not keen on the team games but likes the easy balancing ones. She has also enjoyed canoeing.

Alice’s biggest challenge has been to win medals in SOS (Special Olympics Surrey) athletics, so she has worked hard and gained many medals. She is very good at darts as she has great hand eye co-ordination and she has recently enjoyed putting the shot.

She has many hobbies including making stained glass windows

Stained Glass Windows by Alice Inspire-Sport
Stained Glass Windows by Alice, Inspire-Sport


Landscape by Alice Inspire-Sport
Landscape by Alice, Inspire-Sport


Being a boom operator during film making with Free Wheelers.

Alice loves acting and has acted at the Orpheus centre Godstone. She has been a punk, and two characters in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Nights Dream, Tanya and Hermea. She has also enjoyed making shadow puppets out of cardboard and then putting them into shows.

Alice likes to eat margarita pizzas, mincemeat, jacket potatoes, baked beans, curries, chicken nuggets and syrup puddings!

She enjoys comedies on TV like “Open all hours” and “Only Fools and Horses” she also likes Stickley come dancing. Her favourite colour is yellow.
Alice has one brother Adrian, and two sisters. She has a parrot, a cat and tropical fish and is an aunty to 3 nieces and 3 nephews and leads a very busy life!

Well done Alice.

Main picture – Alice at Lee Valley indoor athletics centre waiting to compete for Special Olympics Surrey team.

Article by Maggie North, Head Coach

Member of the Month, Stefaan

Stefaan Inspire-Sport

Hi, I’m Stefaan,

I’ve been a member of INSPIRE from 2016.

I wish continue to be a member because I need to improve my abilities [both] mentally & physically.

I’m doing athletics, football, bowling, cricket, climbing & multi activities.

I wish to compete in international Special Olympics games [and] that’s my biggest challenge! I won some medals at Portsmouth, Lee Valley & Eastbourne events but I won 3 gold medals at [the] anniversary games at Stirling-Scotland. That’s my most greatest achievement.

I like to do football, bowling, singing, dancing & cooking, apart from athletics. My favourite food rice & beef / chicken curry.

Harry Potter, sports, boxing, wrestling & music are my favourite TV programs.

I’m a student of foundation learning section at a [local] college. I’ve many desires & dreams in my life. If I achieved some things that’s [on] behalf [of] my parents, teachers, trainers, supporters & well wishers [and] with God’s blessings.

I want to be a good sportsman with your support and blessings, thanks.

Member of the Month May 2018 Ronnie Lee

Ronnie Lee Member of the Month May 2018

Ronnie has been a member of INSPIRE for more than five years and he continues to attend because he likes to keep fit, see everybody and try out new sports that he hasn’t played before. Ronnie loves playing badminton, handball, football, hockey and athletics.

Ronnie started taking part in the park runs last December he has done 16 at Nonsuch and 1 at Bushey these are 5k runs over different courses. His best time is 28min 58 seconds and he is loving the challenge of 5k. He doesn’t mind the cold weather and once he ran in the snow (but he wouldn’t do that again!)

Ronnie’s greatest challenge to date was when he was disqualified in Sheffield last year at the Special Olympics GB National competition. He had been training hard before the event and produced a PB in 400m of 66seconds as this was 15% better than his previous PB he was disqualified. However, he had thought he had won the gold medal it wasn’t until he was lining up to receive his medal that he was told that he was disqualified. Ronnie said it was the worst day of his life but since then he has continued to train, work hard and perform well.

Ronnie describes himself as a lovely, smiley person who is focused, hardworking and determined. He considers himself a good team player (especially in the relay) as he is always encouraging other athletes. He likes going to the cinema, shopping in Kingston and going out to lunch with his family and friends. His favourite colour is red and blue and he is an avid Chelsea supporter. His favourite drink is strawberry milk shake a he loves all food. Ronnie’s pet hate are drivers who can’t drive i.e. change lanes without indicating or not letting emergency services pass.

Ronnie is looking forward to working at Flipping Amazing at Surbiton Farmers market where he will learn the skills of running a crepe making business. He is also looking for permanent employment now and thinks maybe in administration. We wish him good luck in his search.

Member of the Month

Team GB Special Olympics competitor


Hannah Kemp has been a member of INSPIRE for four years and she continues to come because she loves all the different sports we play and working and playing with lots of different members.  She has made many friendships at INSPIRE and looks forward to seeing them each session.

Hannah is very active she loves athletics, cycling, swimming, walking her dog Eddy, playing basketball, cricket and boccia.  She is a member of Special Olympics surrey boccia and athletics teams and travels around competing against other counties.  Her greatest achievement so far is being selected to represent Great Britain in the World Games in Abu Dhabi next March 2019.  Watch this space as we will be highlighting her journey to Abu Dhabi and what it entails to be a world class athlete. (see link below for donations)

Hannah enjoys challenges in her life and is always planning the next one.  Her biggest challenge in the past has been cycling to Paris on a tandem with her Dad Jon in 2016 to raise money for Nations Autistic Society along with 145 other riders.  She managed to raise £3,600 and was commended by the society, such a great achievement. At the end of the ride Jon tells us that the other cyclists were so impressed with Hannah that they had a whip round and told her that she was so inspiring.


Hannah Kemp has been a member of INSPIRE for four years and she continues to come because she loves all the different sports we play and working and playing with lots of different members.  She has made many friendships at INSPIRE and looks forward to seeing them each session.

Hannah is very active she loves athletics, cycling, swimming, walking her dog Eddy, playing basketball, cricket and boccia.  She is a member of Special Olympics surrey boccia and athletics teams and travels around competing against other counties.  Her greatest achievement so far is being selected to represent Great Britain in the World Games in Abu Dhabi next March 2019.  Watch this space as we will be highlighting her journey to Abu Dhabi and what it entails to be a world class athlete. (see link below for donations)

Hannah enjoys challenges in her life and is always planning the next one.  Her biggest challenge in the past has been cycling to Paris on a tandem with her Dad Jon in 2016 to raise money for Nations Autistic Society along with 145 other riders.  She managed to raise £3,600 and was commended by the society, such a great achievement. At the end of the ride Jon tells us that the other cyclists were so impressed with Hannah that they had a whip round and told her that she was so inspiring.  Hannah and Jon were the only tandem taking part in this event and obviously made an impression.

In 2012 Hannah rode London to Hove 60 miles and 2014 45 miles for disability challenges.  This year she is cycling the Surrey Hills Cyclone 30miles on her own bike.  This course has 2000feet of hill climbing and is raising money for her trip to Abu Dhabi.  This will also be part of her training to increase her strength and fitness and we wish her good luck.

Hannah always looks forward to competition but her greatest worry is that she will be disqualified.  We know that she always does her best and we at INSPIRE are very proud of her.

Please help Hannah get to Abu Dhabi and donate any amount you can afford as I know it well be greatly appreciated.

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he only tandem taking part in this event and obviously made an impression.

In 2012 Hannah rode London to Hove 60 miles and 2014 45 miles for disability challenges.  This year she is cycling the Surrey Hills Cyclone 30miles on her own bike.  This course has 2000feet of hill climbing and is raising money for her trip to Abu Dhabi.  This will also be part of her training to increase her strength and fitness and we wish her good luck.

Hannah always looks forward to competition but her greatest worry is that she will be disqualified.  We know that she always does her best and we at INSPIRE are very proud of her.

Please help Hannah get to Abu Dhabi and donate any amount you can afford as I know it well be greatly appreciated.

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